Birthing in Bonner County:
Past, Present & Future
A community-wide collaborative multimedia exhibit
Birthing in Bonner County: Past, Present & Future will address the dire need for reproductive healthcare access for both individuals and the Sandpoint community as a whole. This includes:
physical access (the presence of care providers)
financial access (the ability to afford care)
and legal access (impacts of laws on care options)
The exhibit — which includes a visual display, online content, three radio segments, a short film, and facilitated community conversations — will follow the upward-trending arc of care available to Bonner County residents from the turn of the century until our recent exodus of OBGYNs. We will then discuss the impacts of the current lack of physicians and, finally, look ahead to how to restore access to care.
We need your stories to make this exhibit shine. Please reach out with your stories of:
needing reproductive healthcare — across the lifespan — and not being able to access it here
being able to access comprehensive reproductive healthcare here before we lost our physicians
historical experiences of perinatal care as shared by elders in our community or their families
the ripple effect throughout our community of a loss of care (on businesses, schools, etc.)