Abortion Stories Library
The healing is in the sharing. Both personally and politically.
Dare to bear witness. Dare to be heard. Add your voice to the chorus.
Overturned, Episode 1
“What state IS willing to help me?”
Three Idaho women share their stories of pregnancy, fatal fetal diagnoses, and medical care denied to them in their home state. In instances like these, abortion bans only perpetuate pain. Watch now
Overturned, Episode 2
"I NEED you to get to Salt Lake as soon as possible."
When Desi and Morgan faced a heartbreaking pregnancy complication, Idaho’s abortion laws forced them to travel out of state, turning an already devastating experience into an unimaginable trauma. Watch now
1979 Story
“Forty-six years ago I had an abortion. The right to a legal abortion was only about six years old and I was the first person I knew who decided to terminate a pregnancy.”
Tumultuous Relationship
“I never regretted that decision. My boyfriend was incredibly insecure, jealous, controlling and abusive.”
“It’s my body going through this, and yet my support is only concerned with himself. ”
“When I hear people say abortion is selfish, it cuts deep.”
Dangerous Word
“Because abortion has always been a dirty word. And after the fall of Roe v Wade, it was also a dangerous word. My partner was afraid someone would try to hurt me if we told people.”
“You don’t remember me, but you helped me 30 years ago when there was no one else and no other place to go”
The truth hurts
“In a final, desperate attempt, I hurled myself over the back of a chair. I bled.”
“I am so relieved that I was not forced to be tied to him for the rest of my life for the sake of a baby that neither of us really wanted.”
I put myself first
“Despite what others may feel about my decision, it was all mine.”
ABN’s Story
“She died after the procedure and her death certificate says that she died from ‘septicemia following after an abortion.’”
What are men scared of?
“The job was botched. She bled to death in three, maybe four days. She was thirty-three years old.”
L.A.’s Story
“I would say it was almost a spiritual experience because I was honoring myself. This is the kind of abortion experience I want for other women.”
P.R.’s Story
“I hemorrhaged and almost died in the emergency room I ultimately landed in - but they refused to do a D&C.”
B.C.’s Story
“I would not be the woman, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and citizen I am today had my rights been stripped of me years ago.”
A.B.’s Story
“I don't know if he ever told anyone, but I never did, except one boyfriend ten years later, who used it against me when we broke up a few months after we began. I never did that again. Not even my husband knows.”
A’s Story
“No one should have to have, or express, a ‘good enough’ reason to get an abortion.”
D.H.’s Story
“‘Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’ he tells me, clearly saying that nice girls don't get into this kind of trouble.”
J.R.’s Story
“I had the opinion that if someone got pregnant, it was their choice and their responsibility. And I even debated in a classroom setting that abortion was wrong.”
J.A.’s Story
“When I called to make the appointment they told me there might be protesters outside. I'm really thankful there was nobody outside.”
R’s Story
“When I did start telling people, they were open and honest about their own experiences. I realized how common it is. Not just abortions and miscarriages, but all sorts of reproductive challenges.”