Share your story. Join the chorus.

Add your story to the Pro-Voice chorus via the submission form below.

Dare not just to listen, but to be heard.

  • By submitting your story on this form, you consent to having your story shared publicly (and anonymously). This may include posting your story, in whole or in part, on social media channels or the website, or sharing your story in other contexts, such as stage productions. If you'd ever like to remove your story from the library, please email

    Your story can and will make a difference. PVP seeks to highlight a broad range of stories and perspectives to show lawmakers, the media, and the public just what we're fighting for. And we’re not just fighting for abortion access (though that’s a large part of it). We’re fighting for access to basic healthcare for half the population. Idaho’s anti-choice laws are dismantling that access.

    If you can, keep your story to 800 words or less (though that’s not a hard limit). Be aware of any identifying information you might include, and make sure you’re comfortable with what you’ve shared.

    Topics that your personal story might cover could include:

    Birth Control
    Sex Education
    Accessing Reproductive Healthcare
    Sexual or Domestic Violence
    and much more.

    Thank you for joining the chorus. Thank you for being Pro-Voice.

Put voice to your story of reproductive choice.

Enter your experience in the text field below.
We will put your story to work to advocate for greater reproductive care access and autonomy for all.

The Pro-Voice Project seeks to be a living document, evolving with the courage and needs of the people whom it serves: those who are pregnant, their partners, their families, their physicians. With every story, our understanding is expanded. Help make Pro-Voice more expansive. Help make it more true. And help listeners to understand that there are too many stories — full of reasons, hopes and heartbreak — to encompass with laws.

Help us to break the bonds of shame that relegate us to spaces invisible and silent. Let your experience be seen and heard. Whatever your decision —— and whatever the circumstances that led to it —— your story is valid and necessary and powerful.

Submissions remain anonymous when performed or published, and your story will be treated with dignity.