J.D.’s Story

We both had come from warm loving families and knew that we were not yet ready to do the same together.”

While in law school, I became pregnant with an important life partner at the time. Our relationship was special and that was reflected in our lovemaking. When I learned I was pregnant, we both made the decision that we were not ready to raise a child. We both had come from warm loving families and knew that we were not yet ready to do the same together.

I lived in Los Angeles at the time and went to Planned Parenthood. I had gone to Planned Parenthood before for all of my reproductive health care throughout school--the doctors and nurses had always been so caring and careful. When I became pregnant, I therefore returned to Planned Parenthood, knowing I would receive appropriate and respectful health care.

I wish I could remember the doctor's name who ultimately performed the surgery. I had some easy complications (low resting heart rate) that required I have the surgery in-patient at USC. Again, my care providers were inspiring in their grace and compassion.

My partner and I did not make it long term but I still remember him fondly and with love.

I am now married and have two almost grown children who are wonderful and complicated. In between those two children, I miscarried and required a D&C. Again, the care I was provided was simple and straightforward. Never once did I have concerns about my health or worry that the doctor was not making the right decision for me.

I have no regrets about my decision to have an elective abortion. It was my body and my choice. I also respect and honor those women who would make different decisions under these circumstances.

We each have our own journey and must be allowed to choose that journey for ourselves.

I am deeply saddened that we must fight against those who wish to make those choices for us.


L.G.’s Story


W’s Story